
Why They Can’t Find Love 4

4. You’re replaceable 4. 取替え可能 (だめだったらほかの人と取り替えればよい)In Hollywood, everyone always seems to be looking for the next best thing, turning romantic stability into a challenge. ハリウット界では、みんないつも次の最高な…

Why They Can’t Find Love 3

2. Hollywood breeds narcissism その2.ハリウッドはナルシシズム(自己陶酔・自己中心)を生み出すThe male ego isn’t the only problem. According to a study published last year by USC professors Drew Pinsky and S. Mark Young (who administered …

Why They Can’t Find Love 2

1Men are intimidated really easily その1.男たちはすご〜く簡単に威圧感を感じるSure, guys fantasize about dating Hollywood hotties, but in reality, their egos often can’t handle it. “Regular guys are made very anxious (by A-list stars),: …

Why They Can’t Find Love 1

They’re beautiful, successful and rich. What more could a guy ask for? Why Jen Aniston and Cameron Diaz are still looking for Mr. Right. 彼女たちは美しくて、成功してて、大金持ち。 男はほかに何を望むの? なんでジェン・アニストンとキャメロン…