
Jolie Gives Photog a Lift!

ジョリー、カメラマンを車に乗せてあげる!Angelina Jolie did the unheard of and offered a stranded paparazzi a lift over to her hotel, when the photog's bike got a flat tire on Thursday in NYC.アンジェリーナ・ジョリーは木曜日、ニューヨーク市…


Jailbaird Paris Hilton can now collect $1M for her behind-bars diary, $2M for a TV tell-all - and $10M to keep partying when she gets out!これから囚人パリス・ヒルトンは、刑務所生活日記で一億円、テレビの経験談話で2億円、そして、彼女が出所後…

Paris Goes Back to Jail

Weeping Paris goes back to jailすすり泣きのパリスは刑務所へ戻る DO NOT PASS GO: Paris Hilton has been ordered back to jail after her release on home detention. She must now serve her entire 45 day sentence.”GO"を通ちゃだめだよ。(モノポリ…

Paris Goes to Jail -1

Paris Hilton: Now Serving Time! パリス・ヒルトン: 刑務所で時間を! Paris Hilton has officially begun serving her jail sentence for probation violation. The Simple Life star surrendered to Los Angeles County Sheriff's officials Sunday nigh…

Lindsay Lohan Booked on Suspicion of DUI

リンジー・ローハン飲酒および麻薬の影響下の運転の疑いで捕まるBEVERLY HILLS, Calif. -- Lindsay Lohan was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence Saturday after her convertible struck a curb, and investigators found what they bel…